Monday, January 07, 2013

Eating Healthy - Roasted Swiss Chard with Black Beans and Peanuts

A goal of mine this year is to eat more diverse veggies. I want to branch out into the unique offerings at the market. The other day I grabbed a bunch of Swiss chard, some to juice with, some to cook with. I figured I could roast the chard with something more hearty and decided on black beans and peanuts.

Step 1 - wash the chard and chop into smaller pieces. prepare the black beans. turn oven on to 350:

Step 2 - toss above ingredients in roasting pan with some olive oil, and salt and pepper:

Step 3 - roast for about 12 minutes. mix in peanuts and put back in oven for about 5 minutes more:

Step 4 - once chard stems are tender remove from oven and enjoy with dinner:

Both the black beans and peanuts give a nice substance to the chard which breaks down in the roasting process. For additional flavor, garlic and/or red peppers can be added to the roast.

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